In just a second, I’m going to show you a better way to get all of those things!
- This new way is safer.
- It’s more effective.
- It gets better results.
- And, it enhances your overall health!
But, for decades now, the REAL fitness experts have been saying, "No, no, no… sit-ups and crunches are NOT the best way to build a strong, well-defined mid-section, and they can actually be harmful!"

Doing too many sit-ups and crunches exclusively can lead to the dreaded “aerobic abs.” These are abs that sometimes look good from the front, but when viewed from the side, actually show a distended stomach (one that sticks out). This happens because sit-ups and crunches work too much on the surface abdominal muscles, and not enough on the deeper core muscles.
If you want a flat, attractive stomach, or 6-pack abs, you need to do more than just sit-ups and crunches. You need to work on a variety of muscles - not just surface muscles and not just abdominal muscles!

Damage to this weak area of the spine can result in serious, chronic pain that can last a lifetime, and inhibit mobility and flexibility.
This makes doing sit-ups and crunches much riskier than we’ve been led to believe for so long!

Subjecting the spinal discs to the excessive wear and tear of thousands of sit-ups and crunches can reduce the ‘shelf life’ of your spinal discs, which can result in nerve damage, disc bulges, and disc herniations... all of which can cause severe chronic pain and significant incapacity, and are difficult to treat and heal.

But, we want to do it without hurting ourselves in the process, because otherwise it’s not worth it.
And, we want to do it in the most effective way we can, so we’re not spending hours working out everyday.
- The best exercises for a firmer, flatter stomach and overall body strength, stability and health are those that work your abs and core while holding your spine straight.
- Because your core is the center of power for most full body, and large muscle exercises, a workout that includes lots of exercises targeting legs, back, shoulders, and arms also becomes a good core workout.
- The most effective and most protective way to work your abs and core is to do movements that make the muscles perform in the way they were specifically designed to work in real life, instead of training particular muscles in isolation.

Sit-ups and crunches reinforce bad habits that result in bad posture, can cause nerve damage, put strain on the back at its weakest point, and put wear and tear on the spine with repeated flexion and extension.
If your goal is a flatter stomach, 6-pack abs and a stronger core, our Crunchless Abs program is a much more effective and safer option.
Chris Wilson, HSC, RKC, the Head Strength Coach here at Critical Bench, has put together this 3-Phase Program that includes 30 abdominal exercises you can perform without doing any potentially dangerous crunching. You are going to love this follow-along online video as you completely transform your abs in just 30 days from the inside out!

If you want a flat stomach, great abs and strong core, you’re also going to need a strong back.
The best core workouts are those that target your body’s larger muscles, so the abdominals are made to perform exactly the way they were designed to perform in real life.
And, you WON’T be able to do these full-body and large-muscle exercises and workouts without having a strong, stable, balanced back.
So, we’ve included our best-selling Indestructible Back program in the Armor Plated Core package.
Indestructible Back is an 8-week program that is designed to stabilize and strengthen your back so you are less prone to injury and pain. It will transform your back from a weak area to a strong point! You can do the exercises in this program on your cardio days, leg days, or even in between major exercises.
We teamed up with strength & conditioning coach, John Izzo, who developed this program for himself and his clients in order to help strengthen their backs and avoid future injuries.

Did you know that bad posture can weaken your core? Did you know that good posture strengthens your core?
Most people sit way too much during the day, and most people have bad posture, both of which keep our bodies in positions that weaken our core, back, and hips.
Almost everyone could benefit from an expert audit of their posture, and an understanding of the effect their lifestyle has on their core, back, hips, and other areas of their body.
This is why we’ve included this special program that was created by pain and injury specialist Rick Kaselj, MS. In this video program, Rick will help you look at issues like:
- How’s your posture?
- Is your home or office desk ergonomically correct?
- Are you sleeping in the best possible position with the right kind of pillow and mattress?
- Do you sit too much and need to do something about it?

(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)